Glenn Widener's Climbs

Check out my cool trail mapping site! You will find maps and info on nearly all the climbs listed here. Someday I'll get it's 3D flyover feature working again, which died along with the Google Earth in-browser feature.

Glenn at summit, Forbidden Peak, exactly age 45, Aug 10 2002.

Join me on some of my more "interesting" and beautiful climbing trips. Here are some of my all-time favorites:

Temple Crag, Moon Goddess Arete: Maximum Exposure
Dragontail Peak, Backbone Ridge: A ridge too long
Mt. Triumph: twice isn't too many
Hood, Pulpit Rock: best climb on the mountain
Full N. Ridge Stuart - finally done!
Burgundy Spire: the quintessence of alpine rock climbing

Here's a collection of my all-time favorite outdoor photographs.
And a 30-year tour of the Cascades.

* click any photo for larger view...

Interested in climbing with me?  Suggest a private climb objective! Or, for my scheduled Mazama climbs, check out the Mazama climb schedule or email me.

Climbs in 2023 (a two-surgery season)
Marathon Mazama climb weekend in the Monte Cristo area:
East Wilman's Spire
Return to NE Ridge of Triumph - as great as I remember!
A week of Via Ferratas in the Dolomites

Climbs in 2022 (another pandemic- and injury-limited season)
Mt. Adams North Ridge
cragging in Frenchman Coulee

Climbs in 2021 (a pandemic-limited season)
Beyond Little Switzerland expedition to Alaska finally happens
beta for the Alaska trip

Climbs in 2020 Cirque of the Towers outing, Wind River Range
Eldorado, Sibley Creek, all approach and no summit - but just fine!

Climbs in 2019 Mt Constance - finally done!
Lemah Traverse
Three Fingered Jack

Climbs in 2018 Jefferson Milk Creek: maybe this is just too hard for the old me.
A long weekend in Castle Crags
Cutthroat S. Face: Great climb...until it wasn't

Climbs in 2017 Mt. Goode: Loong, tiring epic, but classic alpine fun.
Banff road trip:
Eisenhower Tower: another Beckey 100 done! Better than typical Rockies rock.
Mt. Edith: not a terrible consolation prize for lost on the way to Mt. Louis
Tower Of Babel: Hard to imagine a scarier route

Climbs in 2016 Surviving cancer! Third attempt on Chimney Rock, shut down by rain.

Climbs in 2015 The Ogre - not really that mean and crusty.
The Tooth - deservedly popular. Really popular.
Mt Cruiser, a much better than expected trip
A taste of RedRocks
Full N. Ridge Stuart - finally done!
Sierra tour: Cathedral, PeeWee(E Buttress)/Whitney, Fishhook Arete/Russell
Jefferson East Face: It didn't seem so hard last time...

Climbs in 2014 Jefferson Milk Creek winter attempt
AR Smith
Adams North Ridge - the better way on Adams!
Rainier, Kautz, full day even without a summit
Beautiful multipitch granite on Elephant Perch in Idaho's Sawtooths
Forbidden East Ridge Direct: It doesn't get any better than this
Mt. Washington North Ridge

Climbs in 2013 Mt. Hood north-side routes resurrected from the forgotten past (Ladd Glacier).
Shuksan, White Salmon Glacier

Climbs in 2012 Mt. Hood for my brother, April 29
Mt. Hood, Ladd Glacier Headwall, May 12: Goldlocks and the Three Bears
Lemah Mt., July 14
North Sister, NW Ridge, July 29
Inspiration Peak, South Face...cum West Ridge West McMillan Spire, September 8

Climbs in 2011 Mt. Hood, Sunshine: perfect!
Mt. Baker, Coleman-Deming: lots of snow...
Chimney Rock: and more no rock climbing
Washington Pass: finally some rock
Mt. Jefferson East Face: still more snow...
Mt Constance, Tunnel Creek, Sept 17: man this is a long route!
Climbs in 2010 Burgundy Spire
more climbing at Washington Pass
Mt Washington, OR
Exfoliation Dome
Hood South (new std route)
Mt Constance, Tunnel Creek, Sept 17: very exploratory
Climbs in 2009 Mt Adams, SW chutes ski
Smith Mazamas Advanced Rock field session
South Face Prusik Peak, Enchantments
St Helens Worm Flows, Mazama climb
Washington-Ellinor Traverse, Mazama climb
Climbs in 2008 Temple Crag, Moon Goddess Arete: Maximum Exposure
Acker Rock, Peregrine Traverse
Rainier, Disappointment Cleaver: Katie's graduation climb
Climbs in the Tatoosh: Castle, Pinnacle, Plummer, Unicorn
Climbs in 2007 Shasta: Clear Creek, April 27-29, 2007
Dragontail Peak, Backbone Ridge, July 6-9, 2007
Tetons: Direct South Ridge, Nez Perce, Caves Arete, Disappointment Peak, July 20-26, 2007

Climbs in 2006 Mazamas Basic School, Gerald Itkin's group, Horsethief 2006
Chimney Rock, June24, 2006: Triflin' with the man-mountain
Mt. Thomson West Ridge, July 10, 2006: Very fun, but a lot longer than it looks
Sloan Peak, Corkscrew Route, July 15, 2006: Fun, easy climb, heinous approach
Mt. Stuart West Ridge, August 26, 2006: I finally get up this thing!

Climbs in 2005 Eldorado, July 2005: Technical approach to a non-technical climb...
Baker, Easton Glacier, July 2005: Glenn finally ski-descends credibly...

Climbs in 2004 Mt Hood, South, May 2 2004: Mt Hood the cheatin' way
North Sister, July 4 2004: great climb on third attempt, ignoring "rescued" skis...
Pete's Pile, August 2004: a quick visit to a "secret" climbing area along the Hood River
South Sister, August 2004: My daughter's second peak, repeat of my first Mazama climb
Mt. Stuart, Direct North Ridge, August 2004: North Ridge the hard way
Smith Rock, October 2004: some quick digital shots of a Smith weekend, including with Miriam on "Wherever They May Roam"

Climbs in 2003 21 Peak Salute, August 2003: First try run runs dry...
Middle Sister, July 2003: My daughter's first mountain; my largest team to date
North Sister, July 2003: Failed but oh-so-fun attempt on the beautiful approach and climb on the N. Ridge.
The Tooth, July 2003: A classic fun 5.4 4-pitch climb at Snoqualmie Pass, Mazama trip, Robert Joy leading
Yosemite weekend, May 2003: Crazy 5-day road trip!

Climbs in 2002 Jefferson East Face, July 27 2002: a really great climb, except that most handholds are portable
West Ridge of Forbidden Peak, August 10 2002: my first "50 classics" climb - happy birthday to me!
Mt. Washington, North Ridge, September 2002 - I finally get up it!
Ingalls, East Ridge, July 2002
Rooster Rock, with Brian and Keith Langenwalter, July 2002 - one nice sunset photo
Ski tour, east face of Mt. Scott, May 2002 - huh? It's the high point in Crater Lake NP.

Glenn's scary stories:
Jefferson, Jeff Park Glacier, July 2000: The Bivvy
Bad Day at Beacon Rock, November 1995

Other good climbs from earlier years:
Ingalls Peak, Aug2000: great climb on the way to no climb...
St Helens, Monitor Ridge, June 1998: 5 dads, 5 daughters
Glacier, Frostbite Ridge, July 1997
Three Fingered Jack, October 1999
Mt. Hood Mazamas Anniversary climb, July 19 1994

Brian's stories on Glenn:
Our first attempt on Ranier, 1994 - never made it to base camp, but great photos from Burroughs Mt.! Brian's story told here does little to enhance my reputation as a climb leader...
N. Ridge, South Sister (Silver Couloir variation), 1993 - my first hard lead - and Brian's great story.

Other climbs and miscellaneous mountain photos

Future climb ideas and tentative project list for the 2008 season

Note: Remove the _690 in the directory name to see much larger, higher resolution images, suitable for reprocessing.

All photographs and content Copyright (C) 1993-2024 Glenn Widener, except for material by other authors as noted. Use by permission.